Sunday, May 24, 2020

Contractions and bedrest for me...

03/13/2007, 07:17 AM

So last week i went in for my regular appointment. (29 weeks along:)) Everything was normal. She is 2 weeks ahead of schedual for weight and length so est. birth weight is between 8-9 lbs. Hope she comes 2 weeks early if ya know what i mean.

Anyway, my doctor puts me on a fetal monitor for 30 mins and we find out i was having small but frequent contractions, most likely braxton hicks contractions. I couldnt feel them at all. But the doctor didnt like that i was having them so he put me on magnesium pills 3 times a day for the following week. Hoping to end the contractions.

One week 30 weeks today.

My doctor put me on the monitor again, still having the same contractions, the meds didnt work. So he uped my dosage....and out me on bedrest until sunday night. He doesnt think i need to go into the hospital right now, but he thinks that if we have to put me in, they might keep me til may...... thats alot of time in a hospital. So next tues i have to go in again. Hopefully the meds will have worked and the contractions will have stopped. At this point there is no dialating or thining of the cervix so thats the BEST thing. Had that been different...i would be sitting in the hospital. But we are preparing now for that. We are getting my hospital bag ready tonight so that we have everything just in case.

Dont worry too much about me. Im in the best of hands. I will update when i can, if i can...:) Send your best thoughts to me and ada.....til next week...

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