Sunday, May 24, 2020

I could use a vacation!

11/08/2005, 00:53 AM

I know, you are saying, "You are on one right now!" But am I??

Let me recap what has been the last month.

OK, so on October 1st, we arrive in Sieber with about 120 euros. We pay Mark ( the owner of the pension) 90 euros. This leaves us with around 60 euros, which we spend on food for us and the cats. The next day mom drives back to Italy to return the rental car but misses her flight back and has to Beg the airline people to get her on the next flight for free or she will have to live in the airport like Tom Hanks from "The Terminal". So she makes it back to Hannover (still a 3 hour drive away) but there are no trains back to our town by this time of night. So Marks friends Gert and his girlfriend drive and pick her up. Now, when i say drive, i mean Gerts girlfriend because Gert is too drunk to drive.

Over the next couple of days we walk the 3.5 miles to the main town and spend 3 euros and hour to access the net. Ouch! That's about 5 American dollars and hour. Well, this finishes off the last of our money. We are now broke and cant pay for our rent.

"No Problem", say mark. As long as we help out by cleaning and cooking we can live at the pension for free.

Now, here is the lovely town of Sieber, you can only get dial up net cause we are sooooo far out in the boon docks. And since both my mother and my computers when kah-put in Italy, we have to also use his computer to access the net. But we can only use it after 10 pm and only for a short time because if we go over 30 hours a month (that's not a problem for me and mom, we could do that in a day) it can get pricy.

Now its getting cold and we don't have winter clothing. Mom's clothing is starting to get baggy because she has now lost over 20 lbs. (clapping ensues, YEAH MOM!!). We don't have coats. (we didn't have room in our suitcases to bring them to Europe.) My jeans are starting to get small holes in them and both of our pairs of shoes are starting to fall apart. We have to money for food. Thank heavens mark buy us the minimum to get by but his is also limited on money because some butt head( i would have swore but there might be kids reading) is suing mark for an "Accident" in marks house that never happened so he is spending all his money on a lawyer. GRRRR!!

So, my mothers friend, Jodi, who is also trying to sell our house, (no it still has not sold yet) gave us 1000 dollars. With that we pay some bills, by a light jacket and a book( which is the 3rd in a series i have never read, Good one Jess!) for me. We also buy some food. That's it. Luckily marks ex left a pair of new shoes here, and they fit me, so i have new shoes. However, we still need clothes. Mom need and jacket and some jeans and a pair of shoes. And we are both in need of undergarments.

Now for entertainment. I am re-reading books to keep, and we managed to convert our region 2 dvd player to play all regions so now we can watch the dvds we brought. Too bad we have over watched all of them and we left all of the good dvds we own in the states in a storage locker! About a week ago, while driving thru town at night for lack of better things to do, we say a big TV sitting on a curb about to get tossed. So we load it in to the car hoping it works so that mom and i can have a TV in our room. IT WORKS! So now we can watch dvds in our room.

Things were going good in Marks back downstairs and we were renting out a few rooms every once and a while, and then about 2 days ago, the poo hit the fan. A regular at the bar, got sooooo drunk and angry ( that too rare.) But on this occasion he got sooooo angry that his scared all the customers out, thru and ashtray on the wall, and made us think he was gonna kill someone that we now have to close the bar, permanently! That was our major source of income!

Now mark is stressed out even more, and we have to do private parties, which are rare in this town. And we have to majorly advertise for the rooms.

Right now i just want the English language, some English books, an English movie theater, English TV, a hard drive so i can use my computer, dsl, and a Starbucks or caribou coffee. Plus, on top of that, the guy i am into is having problems getting online so i cant talk to him but thru snail mail, which i am the only one sending at the moment.


I don't necessarily want to go back to the states, but i don't want to be here anymore. If only we could get the money back from our last apartment soon for mom to be able to apply for a work visa for England. And then we could move there. Id be good for a while. But who knows when that will happen. Oh, and did i mention that my bank account is now -700 bucks because of one overdraft and mom has one account -100 and only about 20 bucks in her other to pay bills? AND my brothers car payment is going to be late, i take that back, is 2 months late and they might take it away because he cant afford all the bills and the car, even with 2 jobs! But ya know i guess that's life. Well hopefully we all get money soon. Until then, we are broke, bored, cold, and frustrated.

Well, Sorry to depress you with my first blog in a while, but you wanted me to blog about my life in Europe. Here it is.

I love and miss you all.

Until Next time, hopefully with better news.

Click on this link to see pics of where we are living. CLICK ME

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