Sunday, May 24, 2020

More Cheese Please!

12/13/2005, 07:29 AM

OK. So last time i wrote, i had just gotten the subway job. Well, i guess i didn't really elaborate on the whole job thing. So we get to the Hanau Army Base. Here is where the base in Hanau and the base in Wiesbaden differ. At the Wiesbaden base, they all had guns and when i say guns i mean BIG guns. We were scared just to approach. Plus, they were not very friendly people. But at the Hanau base, no guns, friendly, and talk about easy to get in. They just looked at our passports, called the subway and made sure i was ok to go in. That was all.

We get to the subway, and the interview goes great! i know ill get the job. He says that he is submitting the persons name he wants to human resources the next day and then someone will let me know in 24-48 hours if i get the job. So now on to my next interview. Its for a pizza place. Interview went great, i know i will also get offered this job. Problem is, i can only have one and i want the subway one.

Next we go the Human Resources to see if there are any jobs that my mom can apply for. Nope! But we aren't too disappointed because we can access the stores on post and look around. We go to a place that looks like a Walmart and we buy 2 American magazines. I know, it doesn't sound like a necessity but it is. Anyway, we also go to the bookstore and look around. I find out that the author of "wicked" (great book) has written a sequel called, "son of a witch". When i get cash, i am definitely getting it.

Next we decide we are going to walk over to taco bell, ( a job mom applied for online) and see if she can get an interview, but the manager is in a meeting. They say if we can wait 30 minutes, we can see if she will talk to mom. So we are walking back to the bookstore when i notice that i have missed a call. I call back and find that it was human resources. Subway wants to hire me and if I'm still on post, can i run in to do some paper work. ( the office closes in 15 minutes). So i run over and get the paperwork done. YEAH! I got the job i wanted. Good, cause we are sooooo low on cash.

The next day, i get a call from human resources saying that the pizza job is back open if my mother wants to apply. So we get on the net quick and she applies.

Over the next few days ( the weekend) we are bored out of our minds. We have no money, we are forced to steal mini cheeses from breakfast just so we can have food at night and no stores are open on Sunday. So we end up sitting/sleeping in our room all day with the TV or going for walks around town. How long until our money from a return comes in ????

Its now Monday and at 3pm , the money still hasn't come in. So we go back to the room and sleep. Mom then gets a call for an interview Tuesday morning for taco bell. Yeah! But that doesn't help us with cash. So later that day, mom goes back online to check the bank ONE MORE TIME, and the money is in. Granted its not a lot, but enough to get some food.

So now we are going to the post to see if mom can get a job. we wont be making a ton of money but enough to get by, for now....

Also, Christmas cards have been sent. If anyone still wants one, let me know soon!

Fast forward to Tuesday......

So we arrive on post around 10 am and my mother goes for her interview. She found out that she already had the job but the interview was just a formality. She will be working 25-30 hours with the possibility of becoming a supervisor. Yeah Mom! So we headed right over to do the paper work.
After wandering around post for a while, we decided it was time to go look for a place to live, butall the agencies said that we have to look at the houses online and then contact them for a showing. Poop. Back to square one.

We decided it was time to look around the Christmas mart. We looked around and then decided we wanted some eggnog. *NOTE* :When ordering any kind of Christmas drink, ask for the kids one, othewise it comes with a Crapload of alcohol. It was nasty. After one sip, we gave it right back. So much for eggnog.
Thats about all for now. We are still in hanau, talking advantage of a bit cheaper internet cost. So i decided to update the blog.
Until Later.

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