Sunday, May 24, 2020

Just Because You are Upper Management does not me you are the all knowing GOD!!!!!

03/19/2006, 10:07 AM

So the last few days i have not been feeling well. we think that i had some sort of intestinal flu or something. So on thursday, i get to work and i have these horrible upper intestinal cramps. I mean i am almost doubled over on the floor in pain. So i go to my boss and say, "i cant guarentee that i can make it thru the night.". He responds, " No one can EVER guarantee anything. they are always sick. Im always sick but do i get a day off. NO. but im the manager so WHO CARES!". I turned right back and replied. "i cant help it that i am SICK!" and walked away. I couldnt believe he was acting this way. I mean, i am what they call INTERMITTENT, meaning i could get tossed at anytime AND i dont have benifits. I cant AFFORD to get sick. Well 20 minutes later he comes up to me and says that he call another employee and she is on her way. He also adds that i have to be in the next day at 11 and work and 8 hour shift so take meds cause he needs me there! WHAT??? Ok, so when my replacement gets there, i tell her that i guess i am working her shift tomorrow. She hadnt heard this so she said she would see what she could do. A few hours later as i am curled in a ball in bed i get a call from my manager going. "i never said u had to come in tomorrow, its ur day off. I ment u had to work NEXT friday..." Ya whatever u say......

The next day he sees my mother and asks how i am doing. "well her stomach is feeling better but she is really sick" she told him. He replys. "Oh i know! She was doubled over and almost on the floor last night, I just couldnt let her work like that!" WHAT!!!!!! I had to fight with him to even get him to call someone! My mother could hardly stop from laughing at him.

Why is it that fast food and service jobs always have the most skitzo people work as the upper management. I swear this guy had two personalities. One minute he is yelling and screaming about something or another and the next minute he is cracking jokes with you.

Well anyway. I am feeling better now. I am able to get some food down, although i over did it a bit and tried to drink a Iced Chai Latte. Stupid move. My stomach was saying, "you idiot, you are still kind of sick, what do you think i am the all mighty stomach" So lets just say walking was a bit painful.

Leo is still in Greece but he and i are talking thru email and the occasional long distance call. Its not really long distance since i am calling his German number but because he is roaming, it cost sooooo much for him to receive the calls. So they are always short. I was able to talk to him for around an hour yesterday on the internet, at the cost of like 15 bucks, but that will be the last time i can chat live with him since he doesn't get anymore weekends off and the only time he can get online is early in the morning and as much as i love him, i need my sleep.

I had to buy a new cell phone the other day because my other one just crapped out on me. Unfortunately this one had to have a new number so all of you who i know who need the new number, you know my email. Email me and i will send it on over.

I had this whole long blog dictated in my head last night as i was falling asleep but i can only remember what i have written so far. I'm sure that as soon as i post this, sign off and get in the car to drive home i will remember it all but that is the way life is isn't it. I hope everyone is good. The weather is finally up to 50 degrees here and we are all in tees but i can guarantee it will last so i am out in it as much as i can today.

YOU ALL NEED TO EMAIL ME THOUGH and update me on your life. I better hear from some of you soon.

Love you and miss you all.

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