Sunday, May 24, 2020

What else can they throw at us????

06/30/2005, 18:51 PM
This morning I talked to the consulate about our visas.

They told me that we needed to pay all of school or he wouldn't give us our visas. So we had to go to a western union and quick pay 800 dollars to the Universita so that they can send a letter to the consulate saying we have paid. Uggg. Not to mention its in the 90s today and humid. We barely have enough money as it is, and then to go and pay ahead of time. yikes!

Last Saturday we were in downtown Chicago and noticed that they had the taste of Chicago going on so we decided since we were hungry and bored, we would have a go at it. Can we say crowded! It was kind of fun. It was pricey and there wasn't much variety in food, but it was something to do.

Later that night around 10pm, we watched the fireworks from the pier. Nothing too special, but since I haven't seen 4th of July fireworks in years, it was nice. The next day we found out that at around 9pm that night, there was a shooting at the taste and one man was killed. We had left the taste about an hour before that. Thank Heavens. One reason I cant wait to get out of the United States. In Italy, they rarely have crime against people. Mostly break ins, unless you are Mafia, and then....Well you know.

So now all we can do is wait in our hotel until tomorrow morning where we will find out if we get our visas or not. If we cant get them by tomorrow, (remember our flight is Sunday) then we will just go as tourist and go from there. It will work out, its just a question of how and when.

Below are pictures from our room on the 23rd floor. This is an extremely clear day. Usually there is so much pollution that you cant see out very far. Enjoy.

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