Sunday, May 24, 2020

A moment of silence please.....

07/07/2005, 21:34 PM

Can you believe what happen today in London? It really makes you wonder. Now we are worried about riding a train into Rome. We were going to go to Rome this weekend but now we are going to wait and see what happens with this whole Al Qaida thing. The last thing we want to do is put our selves in danger. What makes it even more scary is that the Umbria Jazz Fest. starts tomorrow. Huge 10 day celebration with people from all around. And because Italy wont pull out of fighting, who knows if we will be next. So right now, no big crowds, no buses or trains during rush hour, just to be safe. If you are wondering what event I am talking about, here is a link to the information. London Bombs . My sympathies are with the family and friends of all those affected by todays events. Hopefully, nothing will happen like this again anytime soon. But, knowing terrorism is still big everywhere, the only thing that I can do is hope and pray.

On to a happier topic, I have adopted a wild cat. Adopted in the sense of , I feed him and give him company outside our flat. He is a shorthaired, white cat, with spots of brown and black on him. He is incredibly thin and I fell in love the minute I saw him. Mom is not too happy with this but...I am not going to let a cat starve. Now if he were neutered and maybe a bit cleaner, mom would probably have let him in the house....but he isn't, so for now I just leave food and water out for him and give him lots of love. I will take some pictures of him and put them on here when I get a chance.

So I think I have a crush. Who, you ask. Well the first night we were here, we went to a local pizzeria and this cute cook was there and explained in English what the cashier was asking. (paper or plastic). The next night we went in and he was showing off. Dancing and singing while he was minding the oven. I couldn't help but laugh and smile. I passed by the pizzeria and he was standing at the door. He gave me a big smile and did a little bow. you might think that he was just being friendly but you should have seen the look on his face. It was almost as if he was blushing when he saw me. Maybe I am just imagining things, but a girl can always hope that some cute Italian guy is smitten with her. It makes me smile just to think about it.

Well since this is the second update today. I think that will be it. But hopefully I will have time and more stories to tell tomorrow.

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