Sunday, May 24, 2020

My tongue hurts....

01/16/2006, 06:26 AM

Yeps, that means what you think it means, i think. I got my tongue re-pierced. Why? Because i could. I missed it. But, its bad timing for me to get it since i now have the cold that everyone in Germany has had or does have. YUCK! Not to mention that i cant eat solids because of my tongue, and its friggin' cold out here. So I'm sure that isn't helping.

Ok, on to some new news.

I have been offered a job working at the AAFES Seattle's best coffee place. They would make me a supervisor, give me benefits AND i would be making about 2-3 bucks more an hour. My current boss at subway doesn't know this, and he wont until i give my 2 weeks. The job wont even be open for new apps, the manager wants me! She says that she wants to hire someone competent and someone who has at least half a brain. well i think i qualify for at least one of those. LOL.... So i think it opens up beginning of Feb. so hopefully i will know soon if i have a new job. YEAH for me !

Now, moving to Portugal might take a bit longer. We have to first get the money to move down there and then go from there. I better start saving huh?

So right now the those are the main things going on in my life. Battling a cold and hoping for a new job. Oh ya and seeing my boyfriend soon of course. Hopefully i will be down there for his birthday at the end of Feb. OH, speaking of bdays, Mines the 19th. Yeah only a few more days. What am i doing for it you ask? Working in the morning, going bowling in the afternoon and nothing in the evening. Boring i know, i don't even have any presents to open. But I'm use to that by now. Well Send me emails if you want to chat. i haven't heard from most of you in a long while. let me know what is going on in you life's. Miss you all.

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