Sunday, May 24, 2020

NOT Harry POTTER!!!!!!!

07/02/2005, 17:19 PM

I cant believe this happened!
Ok, so today we went to the post office to mail off my books to Italy so that I can have them in Italy. My box was too heavy so I had to pick one book out to carry one. This book just happened to be the 5th Harry potter book. Not a problem. So we then move on to Walgreen where we get things for Italy. Then on to a nice Italian restaurant and then head back to the hotel. When we got back to the hotel we realized that we didn't have my book with us. NO!!!!

Ok, just some background info. I love the Harry potter series, and to not have a book is not a good thing, especially since I was the 3rd person to get it at the release.

Anyway, I am just really disappointed that we left it at the post office! Its ok I guess. We are going to stop by a borders books and buy a new copy tonight. Paper back might be easier to pack anyway.

So now we are just getting ready to head off to Detroit tomorrow morning. Packing it all away in 4 suitcases is harder than it looks. Right now I am just taking a break and watching the USA Network show the 4400. Its a good show, if you get a chance, rent the first season from a video store.

Well I guess I should get back to packing. We leave at 11am tomorrow and drive to the airport, then at 735pm CST we fly off to Rome where we arrive around 1020am in Rome on July 4th. Its not considered a holiday there so nothing will be shutdown with is nice.

Well i am back to packing.

Later that day....

So we just met the nicest taxi driver in the world. Normally they don't say anything and as soon as you tell them where you want to go, they get back on their cell phones and talk. But this guy actually struck up a conversation! He was asking us how our trip was so far, and how we liked Chicago. He then told us a story from earlier this week where he took a guy into a bad part of Chicago because the passenger wanted to buy some pot. He gave his wife his, keys, cellphone, and all his money but $140. The driver, knowing it was a bad neighborhood, drove around the block instead of waiting right there like a sitting duck. When he got back the guy jumped into the cab. He was sweating like a pig, and was obviously scared out of his mind. On the drive back to the city, he proceeded to tell the driver that the seller told him he had the pot and to follow him. The dealer took him into a dark room and then put a gun to his head and robbed him of his money. The guy then ran out and got in the cab. He didn't get his pot, but I am sure that was the last thing on his mind at that time. This just goes to show you how just right beyond the main city of Chicago, its not safe at all.

Just think of the dangers that the actually taxi drivers have to face everyday. When I was working at a gas station in Minnesota, a regular taxi driver to stop in told me that in the 20 years he had been a driver, he had been shot at, had a knife to his throat, stabbed, and had to fight off many attackers. Here in Chicago, they have a Plexiglas divider between the front and back of the cabs, in Minnesota they don't. It makes you wonder why they risk their lives just to drive a cab....... I would never put my life at that risk. If I had even had one confrontation I would be quitting that job that second.

Anyway. We are just sitting down for dinner and then we will continue to pack up. Later.

PS Only 14 days til the new Harry Potter book comes out.

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