Sunday, May 24, 2020

Cemetaries and rain clouds

08/08/2005, 17:26 PM

I know, I haven't written in a few, 4 days actually. Nothing big and exciting has happened but i am sure that you all will want to know what we have been doing so let me update you.

Let see, the last time i wrote here was last thursday the 4th.

Friday we did go to roman cats in rome and volunteered. It was nothing like we thought it would be, and not in a good way. It wasnt as kept up as we thought, they had plenty of volunteers, unlike they said in their email. The cats were great, the people, not so much. The lady in charge was so damn bossy. She even Jokingly called us here slaves, and that she was the slave driver. We felt like saying, "You know, we are choosing to be here, we didnt have to come and help but we did and you are treating us like this while you are just sitting around??? Harsh i know, but seriously that is how we felt. As much as we would love to help the cats, we arent going to go back. There really wasnt anyway or anything we could do to help, other than clean litter boxes. Why would we drive 3 hours just to clean litter when we can do that at home for free?

Anyway. As disappointed as we were, it was nice to have the experience.

Im not sure what we did that night, but it obviously wasnt exciting since i cant remember it.

Saturday were going to go to Pompeii but decided to sleep instead. Lame i know,but we were tired.

Saturday night, my friend Ruth and I went out for a bit. We ended up going to see this Irish band that we saw a few nights ago. They were great as always. It was their last night playing as a band since, one member was staying here to work and the other 2, went back to Ireland. Great group of people. We were only going to stay for the first hour of the show, but when they took a break, Michael,the singer of the band, begged us to stay til the end which he said was only an hour more. It should have been done at midnight. It lasted til the bar owner kicked them off and said it was time to close. That was at 230 am! It was a blast, at the end everyone was singing along. I am sure going to miss those guys.

Sunday we were again going to try for Pompeii but it was raining and we didnt feel that was the kind of weather that we wanted to go exploring in.So we sat on the internet all day.

Later that night i went over to ruths house and hung out. That was about it. And now onto today.

Class started at 8am. Yuck! We got there and survived it though. Our teacher is a hoot. Always teaching out slang and dirty things. With any other teacher, we would have quit by now, but she makes it fun.

After class, Ruth, my mom and I decided to head for Deruta, a city where their specialty is ceramics. I have talked about it before. But on the way there, we decided to stop at the Perugian Cemetary. WOW! It was so beautiful. They respect and treat the graves way better than in any american town. I mean mosoliums and statues and fresh flowers and candles. It was moving. We are going to go back soon and take some pictures because it was so great.

We finally made it to Deruta, after having gone the wrong way as usual. We thought we were going to the big part of town but ended up in North Deruta, not a lot there. We did however, take a soda break, and sit outside for about an hour just talking and drinking soda. It was gorgeous out today and it was nice to just sit and enjoy italy.

Tonight Ruth and I are going to see war of the worlds on the outdoor theater and then go to a pub that is having brazilian themed night. It should be fun. Until then, read the news and hopefully in a few days we should have some pics to put on here to show you.Ciào.

In the News: The crazy,the weird and the just plain scary
Court Drama to Land Willis Director?
Martha's Home Confinement Mistake
Men do have trouble hearing women, scientists find
To Obey Orders or Obey God
Cheerleaders Use Chant to Help Police
Woman Eats 35 Bratwursts in 10 Minutes
Firing Range Bullet Hits Home a Mile Away
Nude Man in Ski Mask Enters Sandwich Shop
A guy with some explaining to do...
Teacher caught licking students' wounds
Something fishy about new Chicago hotel

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