Sunday, May 24, 2020

Stranded with no bus

07/31/2005, 16:00 PM

Today we decided that we needed to get to the big shopping center in the mall.

Now, we have to take 3 buses to get there, and the last bus we take only comes every half hour, or so we thought. We got to the place the last bus was suppose to pick us up and we knew we would have to wait 30 minutes. But after 45 mins and still not sign of our bus, or any bus for that matter, we wondered what was going on.

There were no signs stating a strike or that this was no longer on the route. After walking a bit, and after and hour of waiting, we still had not seen any buses. We decided to call a taxi. Not cheap might i add.

We asked the taxi driver why there were no buses. He explained that on Sundays, they only came every 2 hours..... No wonder....But that also meant that if we were to get on a bus up to the mall, we would have to wait a long time to get another bus, and so on. So we decided to just have the taxi driver take us back to our flat. 20 euros!!! Ouch.

We have since decided that we need to rent a car. Renting a car will be much easier because we don't have to depend on the bus schedule. The only problem now is finding a place that will rent it for a month for cheap.... As it looks, we will have to go outside of Perugia to get a cheap rent.

With the meds that the farmacia gave me I am actually feeling better. Although i have to take it every 8-10 hours it seems, it does clear up my nose and ears, and i have not had a dry throat since. Thank heavens. I did not want to be sick for the first day of school, which is tomorrow!

Other than that, there is not much to do today. Obviously we didn't go to Rome today. I wasn't up for getting up at 6am to catch a train, then wait for 2 hours before the roman cats place opened. Not my idea of a fun time. So for now just check out what little news there is and i will post again tomorrow about school. CiĆ o.

In the News: The crazy, weird and just plain scary....
Moore Says Doc Already Has HMOs Spooked
Driver Chases Car After Falling Out
Quadriplegic Coughs With Help of Implant
Wandering Moose Takes to Mini-Golf Course

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