Sunday, May 24, 2020

Burned, no really...

07/24/2006, 13:02 PM

So being the nice "almost" housewife that i am, i cook dinner for leo regularly. Well last night i decided i wanted to cook scallopped potatoes, but not in a glass casarole dish like they recommend. Instead i decided to use an aluminum cake pan, one that you use then toss. This was the result....

Mind you, it looks a bit better than it did yesterday. Leo was soooo sweet though. He stopped what he was doing, got a cold, wet, washrag and drove me to the PX to get medicine for my burn. He was soooo sweet about it. I dont know what i would do without him.

Well, thats all...LOL....just thought i would tell the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I hope your burn is healing! Keep me posted on wedding details... Give my love to everyone!
