Sunday, May 24, 2020

Whats New !!!

07/16/2006, 13:31 PM

OK. So its about that time where i update everyone who cares about what is going on in my life.

Leo and i are still working to get married. Right now what we are waiting for is our translator (Leos captain's wife) to get ahold of the city hall to get our paperwork. Then from there we have to fill it out in German and then she (the translator) has to turn it back in with a date that we want to get married and then it has to get approved. Hopefully this will happen before the end of the century..... Our date that we want to get married is either August 12th or the 26th. Both Saturdays. The only days that Leo and i have off work that we CAN get married on. But to get married on a Saturday it costs an extra 150 euros...... The things we do for love... Here is a pic of us from when my best friend came to Germany.

One of the other reasons we cant wait to get married is that we can get on-post housing. That means free for those who don't know. It also means that Leo will get a pay raise for being married and when we have kids, he gets a raise for each one too.

We are also about to start trying to get pregnant. I am so excited. We want to get married first though so we are also waiting for that.... its a bit frustrating because we both want a child but we are a bit frustrated that this whole marriage thing is taking so long.... Remember, we wanted to be married back at the beginning of June..

A couple weeks ago, my mother went to Italy for a vacation. Apparently she loved it!! If you want to read her blog about the trip, click on her link on the right side of this page. Here is a post card that she sent to me and Leo. For obvious reasons, the address has been erased....

Apparently she decided to try and be cool when exiting her snorkeling boat by trying to slide off gracefully into the water. BIG MISTAKE! She ended up dropping the digital cam into the sea...she got it back but the salt water seems to have corroded really fast. We are working on getting the pictures off of it, but it will def. not be able to be used again... Smooth mom.

Gizmo, one of our cats, recently went in for tooth surgery. She now currently has only about 6 teeth but she is feeling so much better than she did before. She is even "talking" now which she never did before.

I started my new job at the child development center at the beginning of this month. I am LOVING IT! I get to play with kids all day long. It does get a bit stressful but its a good stress. I mean they are only kids. I am gonna try and take some pics of my kids and put them on here with pics of the center so you all can see.

Lets see....what else has been going on.

Oh, its been horrible hot out lately, but great for grilling. Although we just got our grill stolen so we had to buy another one.

One of Leo and my friends are leaving back to the states on the 6th of August so we all had a get together at their apt last night. It was a blast. There was about 10 of us and we all brought a bunch of food to grill and drinks. We had a blast drinking eating and playing poker. I miss get together like that. We are gonna try for it one more time next Saturday before they leave. I am gonna miss them sooooo much. Here are pics of the wonderful couple and their daughter. ( Keillen, Charisma, and their daughter Syann Johnson)

Leo and i just bought a home theater online today. Its a DVD player with 6 speakers. Its gonna be so nice to have. We cant wait til it comes in the mail.

It has officially been over a year now since my mother and I left the states for Europe. We left last year on July 4th, 2005. What an independence day for us. We cant believe all that we have done since then. Its also sad because its been that long since we have also seen our family and friends. But we do plan on visiting the states when we can afford to. All of our friends, You are also welcome to come here and visit us. You are always welcome to come and stay for a bit. We would love to have you.

Well i think that's about it for now. I cant really think of anything else that is big enough to put on here. The rest you would all probably find pretty boring to hear about.

Until next time. I miss and love all of you.

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