Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Very Sad day

08/27/2005, 12:23 PM

Its a very sad day when one has to give up their rental car, fully loaded with air conditioning.

The rental car which we had for 25 days, which we drove everywhere, from Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, is now gone. We must now resort to taking the damn smelly and warm buses everywhere.

My mother was going to head to Germany Sunday evening to search for jobs and a place to stay, yet last minute fares for both the train and airplanes were outrageous, she is now leaving the 6th.

Other than that, no news, but as they say, no news is good news, except for those of you reading who were hoping for a huge adventure. Maybe tomorrow... CiĆ o.

In the News: The crazy, weird, and just plane scary!
Grand Canyon to Get Glass-Bottomed Walk
12-Year-Old Tells of Escape From Shark
Experts Warn Debt May Threaten Economy ( and they had to waste how many American dollars to figure this one out??????? this def. goes in the stupid category of news)
Bush braces U.S. for sacrifice as protesters gather ( yes bush, we are gonna sacrifice our families so that you can make money on oil.......another in the stupid category)
Jealous Lover Program Creator Is Indicted
Iowa Man Walks Off Without Paying for Leg
Short on Sleep? Mall of America Sells Naps ( why not just go home??? )
Hoax Leaves Ill. Student Paper Embarrassed
Monday is favored day for British suicides
Ad dropped featuring nun holding condom
Sperm donor reality show?

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