Sunday, May 24, 2020

Legal and cookin'

07/29/2006, 12:56 PM

No, that title is not what you think. It just applies to the topics i want to talk about.

So as you know from previous post, i am starting to cook a lot more. ( Also burned my self, which is doing better, but now blistering)

Today i went out and bought a bunch of things that i need for a few simple meals. i decided to cook Eggs Benedict for myself for dinner. It was wonderful. Here is the pic of my delicious first meal.

Yesterday i had to go to the US Consulate in Frankfurt to get my affidavit saying that i was legally single and could get married. It was so weird. Just to get into the grounds of the consulate you have to wait in line. It looked like a scene where people are trying to escape the country and are lined up at the border. Well 45 mins later and 30 dollars i had a sworn affidavit saying that i can legally get married. Now all Leo and i have to do it hand our birth certificates and our affidavits over to our translator and hopefully this month we can get married.

Well that's all for now. I am just counting the hours till Leo gets home from weapons qualifications.


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