Sunday, May 24, 2020

Lots of things happening!!!

08/30/2006, 14:19 PM

Well, lots of things have been happening since i have last written, so i will try to catch you all up.

Lets see, last i wrote, i had burned my wrist trying to play pretty house wife...LOL.
Well that wound has healed. It doesn't even really look like its scared which is good.

I cant believe its been a whole month since i have last written...

OK, on the marriage side. We had our appointment with the city a week ago to get us registered. Now we just have to wait while the paperwork gets sent to Frankfurt and back. When we get our paperwork back, which should be around the 15th of September, then we can actually get scheduled to get married! I cant believe its almost time for that. We both have our wedding outfits, and i have my rings. We just need to get Leo's ring now. Then, YEAH, i will be Mrs. Radcliff.

Leo had surgery yesterday. He had to get his adenoids in his nose removed and drainage/balance tubes put in his ears. He did great and is feeling good. He only has a bit of pain in his throat. One of the things he had to do to get out of the hospital was to be able to pee and walk by himself. Since we got the one room that didn't have a TV, Leo was up and walking and peeing within 15 mins of getting out of recovery. He loves his TV! LOL. But other than that, he is doing great. He has leave until the 14th of September so he has tons of time to recover.

Lets see, what else has happened...

Leo and I have taken up a new hobby on Sundays. We go dumpster diving. Its great. So far we have found 2 wonderful black pleather lounging chairs, a nice coffee table, some books and a stroller for my pregnant friend Sarah. You'd be surprised what people throw away because they have to move to another base. Every weekend we just keep waiting to find something great.

I think at this point, thats about all the exciting things that have happened. But i will let all of you know if something else exciting happens.

Love ya all.

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