Sunday, May 24, 2020

Too Much Drama and Banned Books

08/18/2005, 10:37 AM

OK. I love my friends, i really do. The problem is, they are all young. Not that its a bad thing, but it seems like everyone around me is causing too much drama. I guess this means that i am mature for my age right? I just hate, and i don't use that word very often, but i hate the drama that they all create. She is kissing him, but he likes someone else. OR I don't want to sleep with him, but kissing him is fun. OR I'm not jealous become they are talking to another guy.... That on top of everyone drinking so much and becoming wasted beyond belief..... I'm just tired of that. I thought i left it all behind when 1. I left university life and 2. When i left America.

For instance, last night it was open bar night and i went with my friends. It started at 11pm, and usually i would stay out til at least 330am. Last night, i left at 1am. I was just tired of listening to all the controversy and drama, and drunkenness.... It just gets frustrating because i feel like i am above this and they should be too. Yet night after night i still get surprised that its like this.

ANYWAY....sorry about the vent. Needed to say something...

On with life.

So i went to go and pick up the black and white photos that i took, to find out that none of them were exposed!!! My damn camera seems to have broken. So now i am on the hunt for a good manual camera, that works, and for cheap. Every day i go on eBay to see what is new, and possibly, if there is a good deal, make a bid. I have yet to win what i want. I might just have to go to a thrift store around here or something to see if i can find what i am looking for. OH! I was just so disappointed. I really wanted those pictures to turn out.


My friend Ruthie, who is from Australia, has never heard of banned books, so i took the time to explain it to her. She was shocked that anyone would ban a book. She is also a huge fan of reading. So after explaining it to her, i decided i would do a bit of research on it. I wanted to see why some of these books are banned. I found a great site. It not only lists all the banned books from all over the world, but also explains why they are banned. Here is the link if you want to take a gander and this silliness.
Some of my favorite and stupid reasons are as follows:

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll. Ace; Bantam; Crown; Delacorte; Dover; NAL; Norton; Penguin; Random; St. Martin. Banned in China (1931) for portraying animals and humans on the same level, "Animals should not use human language."

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Anne Frank. Modern Library. Four members of the Alabama State Textbook Committee (1983) called for the rejection of this book because it is a "real downer."

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Roald Dahl. Bantam; Knopf; Penguin. Removed from a locked reference collection at the Boulder, Colo. Public Library (1988), where it had been placed because the librarian thought the book espoused a poor philosophy of life.

Harry Potter:All Books. J.K. Rowling. The novel was originally challenged because it characterized authority as "stupid" and portrays "good witched and good magic". Challenged, but retained in the New Haven, Conn. schools (2003) despite claims the series "makes witchcraft and wizardry alluring to children."

Walter the Farting Dog. Challenged, but retained on the library shelves of West Salem, Wis. Elementary School (2004) despite the book's use of the word "fart" and "farting" 24 times.

A Light in the Attic. Shel Silverstein. Harper. Challenged at the Cunningham Elementary School in Beloit, Wis. (1985) because the book "encourages children to break dishes so they won't have to dry them."

Where's Waldo? Martin Handford. Little. Challenged at the Public Libraries of Saginaw, Mich. (1989), Removed from the Springs Public School library in East Hampton, N.Y. (1993) because there is a tiny drawing of a woman lying on the beach wearing a bikini bottom but no top.

What My Mother Doesn't Know. Sonya Sones. Removed from the library shelved of the Rosedale Union School District in Bakersfield, Calif. (2003) Because of discomfort with Sone's poem, "Ice Capades'--a teenage girl's description of how her breasts react to cold".

Double Date. R.L. Stine. Removed from the Crawford Country, GA Middle School Library (2003) because the book deals with complex issues teenagers confront.

Can you believe that last one! And i thought the teenagers were stupid. It seems like the parents are worse. The one book however that i loved that was recently put on the list was The Giver. One of my favorite books. For reasons of:

In Johnson County, Missouri, complainants charged that The Giver desensitized children to euthanasia and asked that the book "not be read in class to children under high school age." The book remains in the high school section of the K-12 library.
A parent in Sidney, New York, publicly objected to the novel's "usage of mind control, selective breeding, and the elimination of the old and young alike when they are weak, feeble and of no more use..." but did not file a formal complaint. Medford, Oregon: In the absence of a formal review policy, language arts teachers decided not to use the book in seventh grade classrooms after a parent complained of graphic descriptions of euthanasia. The book was restricted to students with parental permission at the Columbia Falls, Mont. school system in 1995 because of its treatment of themes of infanticide and euthanasia.

This book, i encourage all of you to read. You can find it in the young adult section of any book store and it costs up to 8 American dollars.

Well that is all i have to complain about today. Read the news. CiĆ o.

In The News: The crazy, stupid and just plain scary.

Diddy Drops the P.
Woman Gets Cable Bill With Derogatory Name
Children who eat fries raise breast cancer risk
Farmer Writes Personal Ad in Cornfield
Fisherman dies chasing fish that stole his pole
U.S. Reconsidering Proposed Passport Rules
Many incoming freshmen aren't prepared for college
Woman Charged With Kidnapping Lawn Boys
Woman Brings Illegal Lynx to Veterinarian
Bad Coffee Maker Forces Plane to Land
Drug Dealer Wins Lottery, Can't Keep It
Man Launches Ice Cream Stick Viking Ship
Gas Thieves Fill Car With Diesel Fuel
Car Thief Suspect Asks Victim for Help
Cops Find $60K on Woman Sleeping in Store
Authors offer immortality in Web auction
Pope apologizes twice for being forgetful

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