Sunday, May 24, 2020

The answer to lifes biggest question...

04/07/2006, 18:37 PM

We start out with a trip to Amsterdam.

My mother and i both had the same two days off together and decided we wanted to go to Amsterdam and visit. We left Monday morning. Its only a 4 hour drive. Can you believe that? I live 4 hours away from the Netherlands.

The drive was pretty boring but we did stop at the border of Germany and the Netherlands to take a few pics.

One cool thing about the Netherlands is there signs. They should never leave you confused. Take this one for example, it means that this autobahn is radar controlled so wear your seat belt or " WE WILL SEE". Also, if you have never hear the Dutch language, its strange. It just sounds like gibberish. Like they are just making it up as they are going along. Its definitely hard to figure out what they are taking about. At least with German you can semi understand some of the words cause they sound like English.

As always with the Ortega way, we got a bit lost getting there but eventually found our way. We stayed in this little hotel right by the Museum center. We went to the Van Gogh museum but it wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. We did however see a few of his famous paintings. A few we saw are pictured here. (of course we didn't take these because you are not aloud to take pics in the museum.)

After going to the museum we decided to walk around town and see if we could find some food and see if there were any shops we wanted to go in to. We had to stop for some food and stopped at a pancake place. I can tell you right now that Amsterdam has the best pancakes. They are HUGE and come in every kind. I had a egg, bacon and cheese one. Here is a pic. ( The actual size is about the size of a medium pizza.)

Now on the way out i had to go to the bathroom and this folks, is where i found the answer to life's biggest question.... yes folks, THIS is how you load a roll of toilet paper. Who knew that the answer to life's biggest question could be found in the bathroom of a pancake house in Amsterdam. Well now you know....

Next we wanted to see if we could find a "coffee shop". Now in Amsterdam, coffee shops are pot smoking cafes. Now i must warn you. If you don't want to read this next part, skip down. We decided to have a go at one since we were in Amsterdam and its legal. lets just say, never get high with your mom. Its ok when you are both high, but when you start to come was just more than i could handle.

We also ended up in the red light district. This is were most of the coffee shops were. We were there too early so we didn't see any naked women in the windows. They were still in bikinis. But there were tons of red lights. Here is a pic. ( your not aloud to take pics of the women so this is the best i could do to prove we were there...)

We also visited the hemp museum. The pictures below show the constitution on hemp paper and a way of transporting dope in the old days,

Yes that is a dildo....

Well after a night of fun, and getting lost one more time trying to get back to our hotel, we went to bed.

We drove back the next morning and slept most of the day...

Here are some more pictures from the trip.
Yes this is a pic of bush with a saying "banana Republican".....i love it

This is a giant coffee cup on the side of the autobahn, just thought it was funny..

Ok, so tonight after work i had a great adventure. My friend Danny and i took a trip to Frankfurt. It started out just walking around an area with a bunch of bars but since we didn't want to drink we decided to just walk around Frankfurt. WOW. What a beautiful city. Some of the things we saw were old churches, the court house and the famous statue of justice. Here are some pics of the areas we saw. ( none of these were taken by me)Justice statue in frankfurt.Frankfurt right after world war 2One of the areas we visited.Frankfurt skyline and the bridge we crossed.

We were out late and were on the verge of missing our train home, so instead of buying tickets we decided we would chance it and didn't pay to ride. Thank heavens we didn't get cause. It was a fun day and hope i have many more like this is Germany.

So until my next adventure.....