Sunday, May 24, 2020

Cramps, Fever, and dehydration.....

03/02/2007, 13:48 PM

Well if you thought it was horrible to just be sick, trying being sick and pregnant. You have to worry alot more. Not only that, but when you have a fever, you get to go to the hospital when its even lower. Ok, let me explain my situation.
So sunday night around 1130pm i wake up, and barely make it to the bathroom to make friends with the toilet. All of a sudden im chilled to my bones and cant get warm. I take my temp and its running a bit high but nothing to be concerned about. However, my intestines are cramping up left and right so i cant sleep. I end up watching tv for a while. Well i keep watching my fever and stomach. Around 230 i take my temp again, now its 100.4! and i barely make it to the bathroom again to have another chat with my friend the toilet. Now im worried. I cant even keep water down and my fever is high. Now since its sunday (technically monday) and its 230am, i cant really call my doctor. Thank heavens for the army's medical line thats 24/7. I call and they tell me because im pregnant, i really need to watch my temp. If it gets to 100.5, (yes only a tenth of a degree higher) then i need to go to the hospital. This is some serious stuff. She also tells me i need to go see my doctor as soon as i can. So, since its so early in the morning, and nothing i can do, i sit up and try to eat ice. I make a call and leave a messege on my doctor's voicemail telling him my situation. The only thing i can do now is wait.
So i get a call at 830 from my doctors office telling me to come in right away. I have no problem with this. So i go in and he takes a urine sample. I was severly dehydrated. He suggested that i needed to get IV fluids in my right away, especially since i cant get fluids down and keep them down. So i sit at the doctors while i get an IV. He then sends me home and tells me to keep trying to get fluids down and eat very small bits of food.
Luckily my fever went down and i am now able to get fluids down. I feel alot better (besides a nice bruise on my hand where the IV went in...LOL)

One other note to add. I felt like pampering myself this week so i got my hair permed. I will put pics on this site soon. Miss you all.

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