Sunday, May 24, 2020

Its been a while....

05/17/2006, 11:36 AM

But here is all the crap that has been happening lately.

OK. Well, work wise, there has been a lot of crap going on. There was some money missing from our stores safe. So we all had to go and talk to security about it. Well somehow, they started saying that i was gonna get charged with it. HELLO!!! First of all i don't and didn't steal the money. Second, you cant charge me unless you have proof!!! I was sooooo angry for a while. I ended up talking with our legal services over here and all of a sudden they were no longer charging anyone..... Hmmmm.....But it any case, i started looking for a new job right away.

Lately i have been up to my ears with criticism from my boss and one supervisor. I am just sick of having to deal with them...

But other than that, that's all for the work side.

My mother and i went to the local zoo last week and let me tell you how cool it was. I have never been to a better zoo. Not only was it a gorgeous zoo, but you could touch almost all the animals. From the moneys to the llamas... I actually had a baby monkey hold my finger.... You could feed all the animals also. At the beginning you could buy a bag of carrots for €1.50. And you could feed it to all the animals. I have pictures on my camera and will get them on here as soon as possible but for more information on the zoo CLICK HERE

The next trip we plan to take is to a drive thru zoo where the animals just walk up to your car.

So lately Leo has gotten me addicted to the online game called World of Warcraft. Its a massive multiplayer game and i cant stop playing it. Actually, as soon as i am done writing this i am gonna log on. It cost about 30 bucks to get the game and then 15 a month to play, but its so worth it.

Leo and i are going to get married hopefully in the next month or two. it all depends on the money because it cost about 700-800 dollars since we have to go get married in Denmark. We have sort of registered for gifts online so if you want to know where, just email me.

Other than that not much else has been going on in my life. Hopefully i will have pics on here soon. I just have to actually make an effort to get the on the puter.

Until Next Time......

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