Sunday, May 24, 2020

And then it hits

07/14/2005, 05:15 AM

It happens for everyone. Sometimes it happens after a year, sometimes 6 or 3 months, but for me it happened after a week. What you ask. Home sickness. You would have thought me breaking down on the plane to Italy would have been enough, but i guess not. I feel a lot better now, well not 100% but, better.

Today we are going to take a trip up to Orvieto, Italy. We are taking some time away from Perugia to be tourists. We haven't really had a chance to do that. And we don't dare look like tourists here (i.e.: camera, dictionary, etc.) because there are people we see everyday here. So we are going to take the train up and explore for the afternoon.

So we went to immigration today to get things settled not only with the school but also so that we can stay in the country. With our tourist visas we can stay until October 4th, but we are appealing our student visas so who knows. Anyways, we went to immigration, and of course, we didn't have everything that we needed, so another trip will be necessary. What else is new. We never have the right paper work it seems.

As much as I love Italy, I am getting bored with the town we are in. I know I have only been here a week, and that I haven't had time to really explore with mom having been sick, but, when its just like any other college can get old.

Well, I am off to do other things. Ill hopefully write later. Check out the news. Ciào.

Later that day...

Ok, so we didn't go to Orvieto today. We were going to and then by the time we got done with other things we didn't have time. So tomorrow we are going to Rome and then on sat. we are going to Orvieto.

Now let me just say that a metric scale is an American women's dream scale.....that is until you convert. say you weigh 120 in America, it would say you weigh about 60 kg. Nice! But then you convert it and find out the sad sad truth. But at least now I can tell that I have been losing a little weight by walking the hills.

We are in definite need of fans tonight. Another reason we are pushing up the Rome trip. They say this weekend it will get to around 90°F, and to not have air conditioning and no fan is not a good thing. At least with a fan we can move some of the air around.

We just had a wonderful 3 course meal at one of the local restaurants. I love going there, but it can be a bit costly if we were to do it every night. But def. tasty. Although, a recommendation, always get the red wine, never the white. The white seems more bitter and dry here than the red. We ventured with white tonight and ended up not drinking a 3 euro bottle. But its ok, we know for next time.

Well now I am going to go. My gramma just called and since we are in an internet café, we asked her to call back in 30 mins so I have to finish up other things on the internet. Ciào

In the News

Corpse Falls Into Traffic in Texas
Beetles steal the show at Hong Kong Disneyland-paper
Triple Sunset: Planet Discovered in 3-Star System
Picture 1

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