Sunday, May 24, 2020

I cant believe this......!

07/01/2005, 10:51 AM

I cant believe it, they didn't get us our visas so now we have to go over to Italy as tourists. This means, not only do we not have as much time, but we also cannot legally work. Since we are already short money, this is a problem.
I do not blame the consulate. He has been very helpful. The school however, I do blame.
From the beginning, they have not been sending the consulate the right information. We have called and called and called yet again, and they still don't get it right. Not to mention we have to call them at 2am and it costs a bunch on my phone!!!!
So now we are going over as tourists which allows us a total of 180 days, and then we have to come back to the states and wait another year before we can go back. We will try to find a way to stay longer, but we don't know if that is possible. *crossing my fingers I can find a husband in that time * LOL. If only it were that simple.
So, since the school screwed us royally, we are looking to find another school that can teach us Italian. Who knows.
My mother was sooooo upset when the man told us we couldn't get our visas. She was in tears. She blames them. She says that he never wanted us to get a student visa. I dunno. She is under a lot of stress and so I can kind of see where she is coming from, but still, I had to deal with this guy every day I could tell he was trying to get us our visas, yet she thinks differently.
Well, at this point that is all I have to say. Being its only around 11am, a lot can still happen today.
BTW: Its my younger brother's 19th Birthday, so anyone who reads this Please wish Nick a happy birthday in the comments. THANKS!

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