Sunday, May 24, 2020

Feeling the need to vent!!!

03/28/2007, 05:51 AM

Well this week has just started out peachy.....NOT

First of all, Im now on bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy.... I hate being confined to one place for a long period of time.

Second. I have bill collectors coming at me left and right. All of my student loans MUST be paid they say. It couldnt come at a worse time. I have no job, a baby coming, and i cant afford to pay $18,000. I cant really ask leo for any money. He cant afford it. As it is he is giving me 200 a paycheck so i can pay a few other bills and have some spending money. He cant afford to pay my student loans also. He doesnt make enough.

And i really cant afford to go back to work after the baby is born. Daycare alone would take up all of my paycheck....

I wanted to go back to school after she is born and be able to get a decent job, but i cant afford it. Especially with these loans i still have to pay. I will be in debt forever and never be able to get a decent job because i cant afford to go back to school..


I am soooo frustrated.

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