Sunday, May 24, 2020

Xmas/new years 2006 and an update on Kittie

01/01/2007, 07:23 AM

Christmas was a bit lonely without our cat around. She ended up spending Xmas in a ICU unit an hour away. She came home on Friday the 29th. She was doing much better. Turns out, she has feline asthma and will be on medication for the rest of her life. One thing that is still wrong with her is that her white blood cell level is way down and they don't know why, so they put her on antibiotics until her appointment on Thursday. they are hoping that it is just the asthma meds they had her on during xmas that lowered her count. Hopefully they are up again when we go to her appointment. Other than that, she is doing wonderful, purring and very happy to be home again.

So now on to xmas. Here are some pics along with a bit about each one.

This taken about a week before Kittie got sick. She was taking a nap and she looked so cute with her tongue sticking out.

This is our lovely Christmas tree. Not a load of ornaments but its our first tree together.

This is Leo and I's first Christmas ornament. It says "Our Christmas 2006" and when you pull the snow flake at the bottom, they kiss and their cheeks light up.

These are our stockings. There were only 2 left in the store or we would have had one for each of us. When you push their hand, their cheeks light up and start singing "Jingle Bells"

This is my belly at a week away from 5 months.

God i love my presents. I got a heated neck pillow from Leo, and a water foot massaging bath from my mother. Oh, the life:)

Leo has this little joke that he doesn't believe i am pregnant because it wasn't an EPT test that i took the first time. So for xmas i bought one and took it. LOL, he can no longer use the joke. LOL

This is Leo's ornament. When you push a button, homer says "MMMMMM, Beer!"

This is Kittie back from the hospital. She cant get enough love and loves to lay on mommy's belly.

Kittie listening to Ada kick mommy's tummy.

Dad gave us money for xmas and these next pics are what we bought with his gift.

This is a nursery in a bag.

Here is a bit of what is in the bag.

A boppy, good for feeding and Ada to lay on.

A Winnie the Pooh Diaper bag.
Well, as of now i am having probs putting the rest of the pics on, so for the rest, just click HERE
On to New Years!
New years here in Germany is a whole other experience. At midnight people light off so many fireworks its like being in a colorful war zone! Its awesome. the next day the streets are lined with fireworks from the night before. its a site. its something everyone should experience at least once in their life. Well that's all for now. I hope you all had a great Christmas and new years.

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