Sunday, May 24, 2020

Pics and some not so happy news....

12/23/2006, 11:53 AM

Well, first lets start off with the good. here is a pic of our baby girl Adamontia.... one with labels and one without.

Ok, so here is the not so good new. Kittie is in the ICU at the Giessen Veterinary University clinic. She is ok, but here is the story.

Ok, last Friday, Kittie was having problems pooping and was very very sensitive about her butt/tail area. We figured that she might have sprained her tail. So Monday we were able to bring her into the vet. We found out that she had an anal gland that had burst and this was infected and was also the reason she wasn't pooping. The doc expressed the gland gave her pain meds and antibiotics and some oil to help with the poop. But by Thursday something was not right. Around 8pm we went to go check on her and she just looked so sick. She was very tired, wouldn't move, looked spaced out, was having troubles breathing and still had not pooped. By now she was also not eating. Unfortunately it was Thursday night and the clinic was closed. Being that we don't speak German we had no idea how to find an emergency clinic. So fearing the worst for Kittie, we went down to our landlords door and asked him for help. He call the emergency equivalent of 911 and asked them who to call. they gave us an idea and from there the landlord proceeded to call around for an emergency vet clinic. We found one, but we had no idea how to get there so our landlord told us that he would drive us.
So, mom, Leo, myself and Kittie piled into the landlords car and headed off to the clinic.
During the trip to the vet, the landlord told us an interesting story. 10 years to the day, he was in Cincinnati and was helplessly lost. He asked a taxi driver how to get to the address. The driver said follow me in your car, and led him to the address. Our landlord tried to offer him money for the long drive but the driver wouldn't take it. The landlord said he had been waiting for a day when he could pay it forward and that day with us was the day. He said it was now our turn to help someone and that it would happen in the future on this day.
Ok, so we made it to the clinic, where the doctor proceeded to take an x-ray. He told us there was water in the lungs and that it also looked like her heart was enlarged. He wanted to keep her overnight where he could give her a diuretic every 4 hours to get the water out of the lungs and observe her. He said come back at 8 am to pick her up and they would tell us what to do next.
8 am the next day and we went to get her. The doctor told us she improved a little but we needed to give her diuretic pills at home and make an appointment with a cardiologist soon to look at the heart. He gave us a number to call when we got home. He also gave Kittie an enema to help with the constipation. It worked within 10 minutes.
So we get home and call the cardiologist who said we could get her in sat! that was great. But Kittie still wasn't doing that great. Thru out the day and night we gave her the diuretics and watched her. She didn't eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. This was not good. We knew she was getting dehydrated but there was nothing we could do but try to get some water down her and wait til morning.
So today we brought her to the cardiologist who took a look at her heart. There was nothing wrong. Thank heavens cause we were fearing the worst. Problem was, we still didn't know why she was having problems breathing and was not eating. so he rehydrated her and called the Giessen university clinic so we could bring her there.
2 hours later we get to the U. They looked at her and couldn't figure out why she was still having problems breathing. Her x-ray was clear for the lungs and heart. (they say there is a possibility it could be Kittie asthma.) So they are keeping her there in the ICU until Wednesday when a board of Professors can look at her and decided what is wrong. Until then they are monitoring her 24/7 and if she has any problems they can treat her. Which is better for us because now we can get some decent sleep not worrying if she is gonna die at home. We know she is going to get great care there. Well that's our news for now. We will update you as soon as we know anything. Hope you all have a great Christmas. Love and miss you all.

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