Sunday, May 24, 2020

Italy, the baby, new job, OH MY!

02/10/2007, 14:45 PM

Since the last post, things have been a bit better.
We finally took our trip to Italy.
Our flight to Pisa was at 610am, so we had to be at the airport to check in at 4am. At 4am no one showed up to check the passengers in, we all stood there until about 445am. Then my mother went over and asked at another check in counter, why no one was helping us. They had no idea why so they called to find out. They had forgotten all about us...LOL... However we were the first in line to check in so we got on the plane in time.
However, when i got on the plane, i didn't realize how little space there would be for the seats. They really squish you in. PLUS, you cant use the bathrooms on the plane. But luckily they let me use one because i was pregnant.
So while we were taking off, there was a lot of force to the plane. I just happened to look down at my belly, and it looked like i was only 3 months pregnant. LOL... it turns out that the force from take off squished my belly in. It was sooooo funny.
At one point in the flight, we flew over the alps. Now i had never seen them fully before. The last time i saw them, we were driving under them thru tunnels on our way to Germany so it was very cool to see them from above.
Well, an uncomfortable hour and a half later, we touched down in Pisa. ( Never fly in a cramped plane if you are pregnant. It doesn't feel good on your back)
Once we got out of the airport, we took a bus to the leaning tower. You cant go to Pisa and not go and see it. It wasn't even close to as big as i had expected it to be. But it was beautiful of course. it was in a piazza with a church and another building. It was a nice start to the day.
After buying some lil towers of Pisa. we were off to the train station to take a train to Lucca which was the main town we were staying in.
The train ride was 30 mins long. It had some wonderful scenery. It reminded my mother and I why we loved Italy so much.
When we got to Lucca we had to take a taxi to our hotel. Since Lucca is a walled town, its like a maze inside. And if you don't know where you are going you are going to get lost.
Our room was small but perfect since we only planned on sleeping in it.
After checking in, we decided to wander around Lucca for the rest of the day. We walked and shopped around for a long time. Surprisingly they had TONS of baby stores, unlike Germany where you are lucky if you have one within a 30 min drive. So we bought a few things for the baby and purses for my mother and i since ours were about to fall apart.
After walking around forever, i just wanted to sit and eat. So we found a great little place to have dinner. We had a nice 3 course meal and then decided to go back to the hotel and sleep.
I was sooooo tired and sore. Unfortunately, our hotel was right next to a bar.... and it was loud. Had i not been so tired, i would have had a hard time falling asleep.
Its very hard to do all that walking when you are 6 months pregnant. I was so sore that i actually had to ask for help to turn over in bed. I also woke up having an anxiety attack cause my lungs hadn't done that much work in over a year.
Well after a small Italian breakfast, we headed over to a pharmacy to get some pain pills for my body, and then headed back to the train station to catch a train back to Pisa.
The flight home was a bit easier but still hard on my back. We were planning to go on one more trip before the baby is born, but my body just cant handle it.
Now, onto the baby. She is doing wonderful. At my appointment on Monday, i learned that she is around 2 lbs now and about 15 inches long. She is always kickin up a storm, and while i was in Italy, i felt her hiccupping for the first time. Leo has been in the field for the last week so he wasn't able to make it to the last appointment, and from the 20th of Feb. til march 26th, he will be in Israel so he is missing a lot. But one nice thing i got from the last appointment is these pictures of her face.
Isn't she beautiful.

The new job. I now work at the local bowling alley on post. Its a nice and easy job. And it will bring in some extra cash until the baby is born. Its fun and i enjoy it. Well that's about it for now. Below are the pictures from the trip to Pisa and Lucca. Enjoy.
These first set are from Pisa.
These are pics from the train station and the ride from Pisa to Lucca. I was so tired at one point i actually took a nap on one of the train station benches.

These next ones are from Lucca.

These are new belly pics and pics of personalized bibs that we got our baby from Lucca.

1 comment:

Cari said...

Hey girlfriend! Sounds like you had a lovely time in Italy! I'm glad you and your mom were finally able to take that trip.

And your baby and your belly are growing so well! I can barely believe it... I'm sad I'm not there for any of this...

Well, I miss you and love you and send you prayers all the time. I'll talk with you soon.

Much love,