Sunday, May 24, 2020

Should i be suprised??????

01/20/2007, 05:00 AM

Hmm...ok, so here is the update on our trip to italy. Or should i say non-existant trip.

So after we rebooked to go to italy, we were searching online to find hotel reservations. (Online at the airport ended up costing us a fortune). We found out that we couldnt afford to get a hotel for 2 nights... there was no way we could now afford this trip.

I think we spent a good 6 hours looking online to see if there was anyway we could get out of the country that day... NOPE!

So we decided to go home and rebook for 2 weeks. (rebooking a cancelled flight is free)

So we get outside and its just windy and pouring rain. And we still have to wait for a shuttle bus to take us to our car. I just break down. I mean, it was by birthday. Can nothing ever go right on my birthday?? EVER??

It was way to wet and windy and cold to wait, and their just happen to be a taxi there so we had him drive us to the parking lot.

At this point i am just glad to be getting out of the airport area. It was just so upsetting to me. PLUS my back was just killing me, this kind of dilema is just not for a person who is almost 6 months pregnant.

When we get home 2 hours later, we try to rebook our flights....but now its trying to charge us 13 extra euro.....So we call the Dublin Ryan air, and they tell us too bad so sad... let me tell you, they are getting a letter...too bad they don't have an email so we have to snail mail it..... so we just rebook anyway and now we leave on the 2nd of Feb.

We decide to go and take a nap because we still have to go do some things later that day.

4 hours later, we wake up and decided to go to IKEA to get a piece of furniture i need. And to no surprise......THEY DONT HAVE IT, or anything like it....go figure and on my birthday....

So mom and i go on post to get me flowers and a cake. Funny thing is, mom leaves her credit card at home, so who ends up paying for all my birthday, go figure...

So thinking that dinner might make me feel better, we all go out to my favorite place to eat. Dinner goes well. Mom had talked to the waiter and he said that they would do something for my birthday.....but by the time we get the bill, nothing, so mom goes and talks to someone else....the waiter was new and didn't know that they DONT do anything special for birthdays.....should i be surprised????

Later that night we were watching the news....they showed a plane taking off, but the wind was blowing so hard that the plane actually was turning sideways while it took off. We all decided it was meant to be that we didn't fly, who knows, maybe our plane would have crashed.....

What a perfect ending..... I don't think i will ever celebrate or try to do anything for my birthday again......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i noticed that you reference the airforce alot is your hubby in the airforce...if so what is his rank i am thinking of joining the AF
