Sunday, May 24, 2020

Moving back state side.......

07/07/2007, 01:32 AM

So its official. On July 28th, we move back state side for the army. We are being sent to El Paso, Texas.
Im excited because we get to go back to the states, but i am sad because i am leaving my mother and my grandmother in germany.
In other news, Ada is growing so fast. She is now cooing and trying to talk and giggling. She keeps me laughing all day long. At her 2 month doctor appt she was 10 lbs and 9 oz and 21.5 inches long. She becomes more and more alert everyday. We love her to death. Its amazing that we could create such a wonderful little person.
My mother got a new job in Heidelberg!!!! Making 5 more dollars an hour and getting cost of living pay also. This is great for her becuase now she has a permanent job and doesnt have to worry. Before she wasnt sure what was going to happen because hanau is closing down next year and she didnt have a permanent job. But all is great now.
My grandmother is moving to germany to be with my mother also. She flys over the 7th of August. Its amazing because she is so adventurous! We know she will love it here.
Leo is still hating his unit and cant wait to move to ft bliss in texas. Hopefully his unit will be alot better there. He is still the love of my life and i am so happy with him. We are coming up on our 1 year marraige anniversary on Oct 5th. We have already past our 1 year mark for being together. That was back in february.
Well, thats about it i think. Feel free to email me at I miss all of you and hope to hear from you.

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