Sunday, May 24, 2020

The good and the bad about thanksgiving

11/24/2006, 04:34 AM

Well, yesterday morning started out bright and early, even though i wanted it to start a bit later. My mother got up at 630am to start cooking and Leo decided he couldn't sleep so he also got up then. I wanted to sleep til 830am, so i just shut the door and went back to sleep.

I woke up around 830am and started to get ready for our next baby doctor appointment. All of a sudden i felt nauseous. This was the first time i have felt this in the pregnancy. So i go and get a drink of water and eat a piece of cheese, usually this does it for me and i feel better..... Nope! So i start out the day with my head over the toilet. Lovely.

Well after a few minutes and a few crackers, we head out to the doctors appointment.

The baby is doing just fine. It seems to have doubled in size since we last saw it on Halloween. I have a pic from the last appt. on Halloween but since we just moved, i haven't had a chance to get it on here. It was more of an action, the baby wouldn't stop moving long enough for the doc to take a good pic. This time we didn't get a pic because the baby wasn't cooperating.:) The doc tried to see if we could see the sex but of course, this is our baby, and was covering up most of the time. Literally had its hands between its legs...LOL.... But the doc said he thought he saw the area once and it looked like a girl. NOT to be sure, but he gave us 70 percent chance. We will hopefully find out for sure on our next appt. which is Dec. 21.

Well, after the doctor's appt. we had to head home because we had people coming over. By this time i wasn't feeling too good. I had a head ache that was killing me. So around noon i decided to take a nap and see if the head ache would go away. Well.... noon came and still had the headache so i took some extra strength meds that my doc gave me. This took the edge off for a bit.

Our guests arrived around 3pm. The meal was pretty good. Stuffing wasn't as good as usual because they didn't have the kind we usually get.

Right after the pie, all of a sudden, i felt nauseous again. I knew this time that i couldn't keep it down so i headed right to the bathroom and up came all of the good thanksgiving meal. I was so upset. This lil episode made my head hurt even more and i just decided to take another nap. This was about 5pm. Leo, mom, and the guests stayed in the living room playing video games and watching movies til about 10 i think. I woke up right after they left. I was feeling better, but was not gonna risk trying to eat again that night. So i stayed up til about 1130pm and then just went back to bed.

It wasn't the way i had planned to spend thanksgiving but, being that its me, i guess i wasn't too surprised.

Well this morning i was able to eat a bit, but i did have my friend good ol' Pepto Bismol as a chaser. I am not taking any chances today. and so far, so good.

Well I'm off to go relax today. Hope you all had a great thanksgiving.

Love, jess

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