Sunday, May 24, 2020

Our Wedding

10/11/2006, 09:55 AM

Well folks, we did it. We are officially married!!!

We got married on October 5th, at 2:10 pm in the Hanau castle.

It was a chilly day and of course I had on a no sleeved dress on. Needless to say I was cold. Rain was forecast for the day and it looked like it was about to start raining at any moment. Luckily, the rain didn't start until we were inside the castle. :)

It was a short ceremony. Completely different from the ones you see on TV. For one, it was entirely in German! (we had a translator) There was no til death do you part, but we did have to say yes to wanting to marry each other.

One of the traditions is to drink from a bridal cup. The couple drinks out of it during the ceremony and then every year on their wedding anniversary. It is suppose to bring good luck. Usually champagne is the drink of choice, but giving my current situation of being pregnant, we had sparkling apple cider. Here is the story behind the bridal up. LINK

My friend Sarah and my mother were the only guests. Its hard to attend a wedding in the middle of a work day when you work for the army. But that is actually how I wanted it. I didn't want a million people at this wedding.

After words, Leo and I went to our hotel. It was very nice. They had done it up for our honeymoon. Although the beds weren't the most comfortable, we had a great time. We also got to have massages that night. It was a nice ending to the day.

This picture is of Leo pouring the apple cider into the bridal cup.

One of the times we kissed. Not the official you may kiss the bride.

Leo looking so happy.

The bridal cup and my bouquet.

Our rings.

Leo and I squished in the back of my moms car.

We had to hold this kiss for like 30 seconds so my moms camera could work. LOL

The castle where we were married.

The exchanging of rings.

Drinking from the bridal cup.

YEAH! We are married!

Our honeymoon suite. They decorate the whole place with these paper hearts.

The bouquet, champagne, and letter they left us.

More paper hearts:)

The letter the hotel staff left us.

More room decorations.


They even decorated the bathroom.

Next week we go and see the doctor again. More baby ultrasound pics will be posted:)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your marriage!! I wish you all the best! Ann M

dmarie said...
