Sunday, May 24, 2020

Life just gets better

08/22/2005, 14:28 PM

Things to be covered in this blog entry(so i don't forget to talk about something):

The Trip
Hazard Signals
The autobahn
The Beds in Germany (our hotel specifically)
Heidelberg's safety
A Note to Reyaad
Swiss Tunnels
Public Bathrooms
Gas Prices
River Fog
The Pope
Driving in the mountains at night
Passport Stamps
Questions I Will Answer

Ok. First lets start with the trip. Germany was wonderful. More specifically, Heidelberg! It was so beautiful. The people were so nice. The trip to Germany took us 15 hours! Yikes. What a pain in the ass. Don't go to Germany at the end of August. Everyone is traveling and it makes it hell. The trip there, we went from Italy, to Switzerland and then into Germany. The trip back took 12 hours. Not as bad as the first trip. This time we went from Germany, to Austria, and then into Italy. We didn't get home until around 4am. We fell right into bed. As you can imagine, traveling that long is very very very tiring.

Ok, now on to the topics. These will also tell about our trip. Just in a bit more of a random way. LOL

First, Hazard Signals on cars. Americans should learn how to use these. Here in Europe, if you are stopping fast, you turn them on and then the person behind you knows what you are doing and doesn't slam into the back of you. VERY SMART!!! and it saved us from many accidents on the way.

Yes, we did drive on the Autobahn, but, it isn't like it use to be. There are actually speed limits now. Minimum of 100 km/hr. and max is 120 km/hr. I think the max that we actually saw people going was 160. Not that bad. It isn't as dangerous anymore. I think that was why they made speed limits. Too many people were getting killed on it. But at least we can say that we drove on it right?

The beds in Germany, specifically the one in our hotel. WOW! These are wonderfully comfortable. The pillows and the blanket for one. The pillows are the kind that you can mush around and put them in the perfect position. The comforters were so comfortable. Not too warm and not too cold when you have them over you. We are going to email the hotel and find out where they got them.

Another reason that we want to move to Heidelberg is it seems a bunch safer than even Italy. When we were walking at night, we never once saw bars on the windows or metal doors covering the shops. Here in Italy, they use both for fear of theft. I didn't once feel unsafe walking around there are night. Granted i was walking with my mother but still. It was a wonderful feeling. My mother is a bit worried about the American air force guys, but i am not, i can handle myself thanks to the self defense class i took a while ago. Just be aware, that is the big thing.

Ok, now my note to Reyaad. Reyaad is a friend here in Italy. I love him to death but he never ever had toilet paper in his bathroom. And we are always drinking there, and then having to use tissues for toilet paper. So, i decided it was time to buy him some. Earlier this week i bought him a 10 pack, and am going to bring it next time i get to his house. BUT....Its now minus 2 rolls. We had to use them at a rest stop. So Reyaad, if you want the two rolls, they are in a woman's bathroom at a rest stop right inside the German border from Switzerland. Sorry. :)

For the topic of Ausfarhts, i am going to refer you to my pics. The pics are in with the ones from the trip to Germany. You will understand this topic when you get to it. To see all the pics from our trip, CLICK HERE!

Swiss Tunnels are a pain in the ass. Or at least 2 of them were. They have great road system, until you get to these tunnels. First, you have to wait for about 2 hours in your car and follow the long wait to get to them. Next, they have stop lights you have to wait at before you can enter the tunnel, which by the way goes down to one lane. I cant believe how long we had to wait. We thought the wait was because of some big huge accident. The only accident we saw was the way the Swiss Handel these tunnels!

Now, when you get to Germany, be prepared to see images, and candy and toys or pigs having sex! or as we say, Pigs Porking. They are everywhere! And they don't even put them in a special section. They are just out in the open for anyone to see. And then they expect you to eat a lot of Schnitzel, which by the way, is pork..... I wish i had a pic, but i cant find one online, sorry!

Absinth: an emerald-green liqueur distilled from wormwood and other aromatics, including angelica root, sweet-flag root, star anise, and dittany, which have been macerated and steeped in alcohol. It was invented in the 1790s by a Dr. Pierre Ordinaire, a Frenchman who lived in Switzerland, and the liqueur became enormously popular, particularly in late-19th-century Paris. Genuine absinthe is 70% to 80% alcohol. Because it caused harmful neurological effects (due to the presence of thujone, a toxic chemical in wormwood), absinthe was banned in many countries; where it still is available it is no longer as toxic as it once was.

They sell this in Germany. Via my friend Cari, it supposedly tastes like black liquorish. I hate this taste. I wanted to buy a small bottle, but since its my mothers money, and she disapproves of it, i got a poster. I don't mind, who wants to get poisoned anyway right? LOL. i tried to find a pic of my poster on line but couldn't so i will snap one later and put it online.

Now public bathrooms in Germany and Switzerland are so smart and handy. First of all, the stalls are tons more private, and they have this handy dandy little thing where you take some toilet paper, and put it under this machine, press a button and disinfectant comes our on to the paper and you clean the toilet seat. How smart is that. Never again will you have to worry about butt germs. Hehehehe

Now, about the gas prices. If you think you have it bad in the states, try coming over here. Its 1.18.....per liter.....So it cost like 50 euros or about 65 American dollars to fill up. It ends up being about 5-6 bucks per gallon. And you thought you had it bad......

Now when driving thru Germany you can always tell where a river is. How you ask. Well just look for fog. It seems that the rivers during this time of year produce a lot of fog. So you can always tell when you are nearing water. It was an awesome site to see.

The pope, the wonderful pope. Just a bit of Info for if you ever come to Europe. In the states we call him Pope Benedict, in Italy he is Papa Benedito, and in Germany he is Pops Benedicta. You decide which you like better and let me know.

Driving in the mountains at night is freakin' scary... avoid it if you can. That's all i am saying....

So, here we had passed thru 4 countries, and not once did we get a stamp in our passport. What a disappointment. Next time, we are asking for them.....

Now on to the FAQs section.....

Why don't Americans drink mineral water?
if you can answer this one, let me know, because now that i know about it, it puzzles me to why the states don't do this and just add the damn minerals to the water. Its so much healthier.

How can you tell what is a rental car in Italy?
Again, if you know this please let me know, that way i can avoid all the American drivers.

Why do some Italians kiss you 3 times on the cheek instead of the normal 2 times?

When is it a good time to visit the alps?

If you know the answers or have anymore questions for me to post, let me know.

This now concludes the trip section... hopefully all the topics have been covered. If not, let me know. Please read the news, and have a great day. CiĆ o.

In the News: The Crazy, the weird and the just plane stupid.
Thompson Goes Out with a Bang
Lyonne in Limbo at Hospital
Eminem in Rehab
Slipknot Seeks to Block BK's Coq
The Safety Net She Believed In Was Pulled Away When She Fell
Convicted U.S. felon's 'Cures' tops book charts Remind me to buy this.
Scientists Find Homo Erectus Skull
Wal-Mart Charges $175 for 'Stolen' Manure
Stuffy Singapore to Host Its 1st Sex Expo
Belgian women's team lose 50-1 - paper
700 kilos of mud stolen from bankrupt mine
UK's mystery "Piano Man" returns to Germany
Goddess called in to scare off tsunami ghosts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you sure spent a lot of time on this site! nice work