Sunday, May 24, 2020

We got fans!!!!

07/18/2005, 20:23 PM

Yeah. so finally someone my mom knows told us about a place where would could buy fans. They told us to go meet this person they know who owns a café and he would tell us where it was. Well, he did better than that. He drove us there. We then bought fans and expected him to drive us back to his café, but he insisted on driving us home. What a nice guy. And there is 2 pluses to this guy. 1. he speaks English, 2. he and his wife live up the block from us. How nice is that.

Well today it was really hot. a great day to buy a fan. when we got home, we plugged them in and just sat in front of them for an hour. it was so nice. although its not cool air, but it is air.

So, sat we ordered harry potter 6 for me and it should arrive tomorrow. I am so excited, I cant wait to start reading it. I will have to put it down wed. however because we are hopefully going down to Pompeii for the day. I cant wait. I have dreamt about going there for sooooo long.

The days lately haven't been all that exciting so I don't have a lot to write about. Hopefully after tomorrow or wed. I will have a bit more to say. Right now all I want to do, is go home, get a nice cold glass of ice tea and sit in front of the fan reading. That sounds like heaven to me. Oh ya, add a cold shower and that will do it. Till tomorrow. Ciào

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you finally got fans and found someone who speaks ENGLISH.....Love, Gramma.