Sunday, May 24, 2020

Our big day

07/12/2005, 15:23 PM

Well, not really. I say that because mom is finally feeling well enough to venture out into the world. Thank you amoxicillin!! So, our plans for the day are as follows: Go to the school, pay our fees and get our student ids made, Next, bus it up to the super market, get food and supplies since we haven't been there in about 5 days. Next, take a taxi home, unload and then walk back down for the tobacco shop for postcards, stamps, and matches and then to a shop to get mom a proper purse. I am tired of carrying around all of her stuff on top of mine in my little Italian purse.

What a big day huh?

Thursday we plan on going up to either Rome or Florence to go to IKEA to get some essentials that we just cant find here. For instance, a fan....big necessity, but in a small town it costs 60 euros! We also need a pillow, a kitchen mat, some food containers, drapes, and etc. Plus it will be nice to take a train into those towns. We aren't going to explore however, being it is the busiest time right now for tourists in the big cities. I really just am not up for the crowd thing right now.

Postcards. I have a lot to right, but.... if you want one sent from me to you, just email me your addy and I will be glad to, it gives me something to do. Just email me at and I will send it out asap. I am planning to send some postcards to 2 of my past jobs. Both of them have people I love, but also people that I don't like, and for that reason, I am being a bit evil by purposely not including their names on the cards. I know, I know, not nice , but I need to get some revenge, and its not like these people could afford to come to Italy to get me. LOL.

I had all these things to say on here but now that I got to the internet café, I cant remember. That's how it always is, isn't it. Another reason that I need to buy a new journal to write in at home.

So I have decided to include a daily section called "In the News". This part of the blog will have interesting stories that I have found, also including pictures of news. If you find something you find interesting on the web that is not on here, feel free to post it in the comments and if I will include it in the blog.

Well, for now that is all that I can think of, plus, we should really get a move on shopping. Lots of things to buy.... Ciào

Later that day...

Wow! The supermarket we went to today was a lot bigger than the one we were use to going to. We bought some wonderful food. yum. We also just had the most wonderful dinner. We went to this place that served gyro meat. they take the meat and make it into a wrap. OMG! it was so tasty. I don't know what it is about food here, but it def. tastes better. I don't know if it just isn't processed the same, or processed at all, but wow.

So today I really didn't get much done. Other than shopping and writing a few postcards, nothing much was accomplished. When we get home though we are going to clean like mad women. With mom being sick the last few days, the place has gotten messy. And since its not that big, a small mess looks huge. Yes, I have been cleaning, but you can only do so much as one person, and with another person in the house sick. Now however, with mom feeling better, she is able to help me clean.

Yikes! Yet another bombing. Not as big, but it was right outside the Italian Cultural Institute in Madrid, Spain. Now, I didn't read the whole story, so I don't know if it was meant for Italy or not but it still makes me wonder. Here is a link to the story: Bombs Explode in Spain's Basque Region

Well, that seems to be all that is going to happen today. Hopefully. Unless its good and exciting. Until tomorrow. Ciào

In the News

Latest Harry Potter book sold by accident
Walking on cobblestone is Healthy
Website Wants to "Feed Lindsay"
Guess what? Men don't mind seeing naked women... Local Italy News
Hundreds of sheep follow leader off cliff
Woman defies driving ban, saves husband?
News Pic 1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved to read your blog. It is always so interesting and full of details...Love,gramma